Saturday's ride I was motivated to get out early, and achieved 15 minutes earlier. Joan, Leon and I rode to a faster tempo to the first saddle. Matt and Bill enjoyed chatting on the way up. At the shed, met Mini camped out in a backpack worn by her driver Fixie John. Fixie bike riders are a unique breed and John flipped the rear wheel to change the gear ratio for the downhill. Dave, Mike, Matt and Bill chatted about a rider whose crank arm fell off during a ride. I managed to ride out to Fork + 4 and wondered how I could even get my body to Village on the previous Saturday. My legs needed recovery.
Labor Day Ride 9/3
John, Bill, Leo arriving at the shed
John, Bill, Leo arriving at the shed
Joan at the shed
Heather at the shed
Bill and Matt
Glendora Ridge Road at Fork+4
Saturday Ride 9/7
Mini and her chauffeur Fixie John
Mini and her chauffeur Fixie John
Changing gears for the ride down
Dave at the shed
thanks to bill and John great guys gave me some encouragement and great conversation for my first time up the GMR.