Sunday, September 8, 2013

Rides on 9/3 and 9/7

Heat was the dominant driver for both Monday and Saturday's rides. Monday's departure was 7 am. Matt, John, Bill and I started up. Quickly joined by the local college professor John. The group split apart. John, Bill and Leo rode up together. Matt, Prof. John and I enjoyed a good pace. My legs screamed from the Baldy ride two days ago. We reconnected at the shed and were joined by Joan and Heather. Matt and I rode out to Fork +4. My legs were spent.

Saturday's ride I was motivated to get out early, and achieved 15 minutes earlier. Joan, Leon and I rode to a faster tempo to the first saddle. Matt and Bill enjoyed chatting on the way up. At the shed, met Mini camped out in a backpack worn by her driver Fixie John. Fixie bike riders are a unique breed and John flipped the rear wheel to change the gear ratio for the downhill. Dave, Mike, Matt and Bill chatted about a rider whose crank arm fell off during a ride. I managed to ride out to Fork + 4 and wondered how I could even get my body to Village on the previous Saturday. My legs needed recovery.
Labor Day Ride 9/3
John, Bill, Leo arriving at the shed
Joan at the shed
Heather at the shed
Bill and Matt
Glendora Ridge Road at Fork+4
Saturday Ride 9/7
Mini and her chauffeur Fixie John
Changing gears for the ride down
Dave at the shed
Fork+4 Glendora Ridge Road

1 comment:

  1. thanks to bill and John great guys gave me some encouragement and great conversation for my first time up the GMR.
