Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bill's Ride 11/22/2011

Bill's report:

It was pretty cool this morning, so I waited for it to warm up
to 50 degrees before I set out for GMR.  The nice thing about
riding on weekdays is that there aren't very many other folks
on the road.  I expected to see some skate boarders because
the local schools are closed this week, but none were to be
seen.  Maybe it was too cold for them.  I did see a few other
cyclists, maybe 8 all told.

I pushed a bigger gear that usual, so my legs were ready for a
break by the time I got to the shed. Coming back was pleasant,
cool - the temperature was up to 65 degrees - but not so much
so that I needed a jacket or arm warmers for the descent.
I did take a few pictures that I used to make a panorama.

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