Sunday, February 23, 2014

Traffic Collision on GMR

Chopper landing at mile marker 12.71 for a traffic collision.

It was a brutal weekend of mishaps, near collisions, slide outs and impacts. The lure of longer days with warm sun and mild temperatures brought out the spring neophytes. The mountain traffic has a yearly ebb and flow and gearing up the "road memory" took a toll this weekend.

Saturday acquaintances returning from an epic ride to the Baldy Ski lifts crashed at mile marker 8.5 and required medical aid. John was there as the helicopter landed around 1:30 pm. Merely an hour after my hike.

Sunday on the road. A cyclist reported a motorcyclist going wide on a blind curve at mile marker 10.4 and he felt very lucky to be up right. I was just seconds behind them, but it happened out of sight. I remember how fast the motorcyclist buzzed past me on the straight away.

Two more miles up the road, I had been leap frogging a pair of cyclists. First ahead, then they would catch and pass me. The two cyclists had just passed me by and were at the right hand bend above mm 8.9. They stopped to assist a motorcyclist who had slide out. His motorcycle was laying across the two lanes blocking traffic in both directions. As they assisted rolling up the heavy bike, I realized that a car club was approaching. I stopped and waved down on coming traffic as a dozen BMW Z4 convertible cars heeded my waves. The front driver had a radio to alert the other club drivers. He informed me of the accident at mile marker 12.71. He said the rider was down hard. Dark kit. Road was closed.

The motorcycle was moved out of the way and all was well. Met up with John (!?!) who had attacked the road early.

Not alot of facts on the accident. Red sporty vehicle with black components. Last digits of the license was "007". Aging paint job. Yellow and Black Bike. Rider air lifted by helicopter. Go Pro Camera is in the CHP's possession.

The wind was gusting and between a friend's broken collarbone, my very light bike pushed about by the wind, my descending mojo was gone.

To those who are recouping, I wish you well.

Updated: "According to facebook updates, he got out of surgery on his left leg and feels better. No broken bones. There was a scratch to his face. Thanks to all the fellow riders who offered assistance. Be safe!"


Unknown said...

Any status on the rider? Our team was coming down from a training ride. We missed the crash by a minute. We know he was hit by a car.

johnny taco said...

According to facebook updates, he got out of surgery on his left leg and feels better. No broken bones. There was a scratch to his face. Thanks to all the fellow riders who offered assistance. Be safe!