Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Side of the Road

At mile marker 11.90 a couple of guys were sitting on the side of the road. I looked where their car was located and asked them if that's really where they wanted to park it. NO! A mishap with a couple of motorcycles forced them off the road and up the embankment. Ron took these photos:

Sometimes life forces you to destinations you don't want to be, but it beats the alternative.

Met Phil at the top of Monroe Truck Trail heading home from Santa Clarita. He rides Palomar regularly, but enjoys the gentler nature of Glendora Mountain Road about once a month. His recommendation is to ride Palomar mid week when there is less motorcycle traffic. Same for GMR. He mentioned the Everest Challenge. Two days of three monumental climbs each day, with a total elevation gain of 29,035 feet in 206 miles.

Bill took a ride in the morning around Puddingstone. He likes ducks.