The day started off quiet. At 1 o'clock sleep an elusive dream thrashed between blankets, pillows and bed remained unfulfilled. Glendora Mountain Road was also relatively quiet for a Saturday morning on the last day of July.
Bill ventured up to the shed then down "North" GMR or Little GMR to East Fork and Highway 39. His first loop! Well done.

Ron and Matt needed to catch up on the past week activities

Baldy in its July splendor.

On the way to the village a rescue helicopter hovered overhead. Then a US Forest Service green truck, a long red fire engine, a paramedic truck and ambulance sped to an accident scene along Glendora Ridge Road. It felt like a four alarm alert as they rushed by. If the helicopter landed then the traffic would be detained for half an hour. Good to be on the Village side of the problems.
The store by the Lodge was open this week! I asked what happened last week. No electricity. Ouch. No cash registers, no refrigeration and the ice cream melted. I could have helped on that issue. It was hot! I bought a chilled bottle of Powerade. Wowsers the sugar! Refreshing fruit punch coolness in the gut.
The alpine beauty of the trees and heavily covered forest needed to be savored. Why rush through the most pleasant part of the trip. Pictures forsaken. The miles and hills slipped by, the warmth of the day beating down. The Powerade squirted into my mouth, red, sugary and cool.
Waited at fork plus one as the sirens screamed up "North" GMR and cruised down South GMR. Climbed up the fork to the top of Monroe another green US Forest Service truck rushed by. A pair of cyclists reported the US Forest Ranger informed them the road was closed. Fire! Met John and we rode to second saddle and took the photo of the valley. Called Matt on the cell to find out if he had made it through. Nope. He was detained by emergency personnel around 11.39. Road was closed!

We informed other drivers and cyclists that the road was closed. A pair of cyclists one in a branded jersey and the other blue jersey continued to venture down the road. Called Bill and requested ground support in the "Mountain Rescue Vehicle" to meet us along Highway 39.
Found the CHP had closed GMR at the fork who deflected all traffic to North GMR or Glendora Ridge Road. Moi, no legs left to go back to Baldy. It was Little/North GMR for John and I.
A motorcyclist had issues starting his vehicle so a pal of his pushed the motorcycle and the driver up the hill along GRR. The CHP stated,
"Guys, it would be easier to push it downhill."
"But THEY are writing tickets down there!"
The pals ended up pushing it down hill and jump started the bike. They looped back and took the long drive home.

As the bikes were secured in the rack in the back, John saw the pair of cyclists who had not heeded the road closed warning. They look hot tired and pounded their pedals. I sipped water in the air-conditioned ride down the mountain. Spotted the water drop helicopters scooping up water from the reservoir for the fire. Bill drove John to Sierra Madre and Glendora Mountain Road only to be rerouted to other streets.

It was a day choc full of adventures.