Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Epic Ride
Some rides start off normal enough. Riding in the cool of the morning to beat the heat and still make Baldy Village. Then to prove your outstanding endurance you show up the "Loopers" who sneak down Baldy Road for an easy and fast completion to their day just how it is really done by completing an out and back ride. Those uphills become downhills and in like manner those downhills become uphills. To build up confidence in my ride partner John and build up the confidence in my knee its not that far.
Matt joined us for a short section on the way up the "Col du Shed". He headed out first and we caught up with him again in Baldy Village. He left the Village ahead of us for his ride back. John and I hung out at the store. Buying ice cold water and Powerade. yummy. Deliciously cold to bring down the core temperature. My bike decided gravity was a friend and fell over at the store. Hmm. Then I picked up sap on my tire which attached itself to lots of crap on the road. Hmm. The thunderhead clouds were enjoyable to watch and wonder at. I enjoyed the climbs up to Cow Canyon Saddle and to the Point of No Return (mile marker 4.0). I was pleased with our progress. A squirrel darted across the road, immediately there was a huge rock to avoid and a motorcycle zoomed by fast. Threes. Done.
Traditions such as the stop at Newmann's Point, the first saddle and numerous stops along the road to take pictures of Baldy. Traditions. Enjoyed down hill at last. Ready for down hill just roll along down hill then a US Forest Service ranger has a "SLOW" sign. Hmm. We turn the hair pin corner to find a US Forest Service Truck has stopped. We come to a dead stop. Sorry can't go any farther. There are three containers leaking a bad fume. Hazardous Materials Team has been called.
John and I find a bit of shade and hang out. We hang out for 30 to 40 minutes. The time dragged out. Called Bill and Matt. Matt had the info of seeing a black Dodge/RAM Truck around noon at the scene. The individual was putting a blanket over the containers. If you have any information send me a note.
Brandon the US Forest Service Ranger brought us ice cold drinks. Many thanks. Tried to negotiate personal mountain rescue vehicles to come and whisk us back taking the long route up Highway 39, East Fork, North GMR (or little GMR) and down, the daunting hour plus journey just to arrive didn't bode well. When the sheriffs took over the road closure, John and I agreed to take the trail option down to the next hair pin turn. A cyclecross adventure indeed. We then scooted down the mountain. Did get a whiff of the gas and yes it was nasty smelling.
Still this seems eerily familiar to the last Saturday of July 2010 when the road closed due to fire.
Good to be home. This feels vaguely similar to the last Saturday of July in 2010 when a fire was started from an overturned vehicle. So good to be home. Clean. Cool and ready for food.

Matt joined us for a short section on the way up the "Col du Shed". He headed out first and we caught up with him again in Baldy Village. He left the Village ahead of us for his ride back. John and I hung out at the store. Buying ice cold water and Powerade. yummy. Deliciously cold to bring down the core temperature. My bike decided gravity was a friend and fell over at the store. Hmm. Then I picked up sap on my tire which attached itself to lots of crap on the road. Hmm. The thunderhead clouds were enjoyable to watch and wonder at. I enjoyed the climbs up to Cow Canyon Saddle and to the Point of No Return (mile marker 4.0). I was pleased with our progress. A squirrel darted across the road, immediately there was a huge rock to avoid and a motorcycle zoomed by fast. Threes. Done.
Traditions such as the stop at Newmann's Point, the first saddle and numerous stops along the road to take pictures of Baldy. Traditions. Enjoyed down hill at last. Ready for down hill just roll along down hill then a US Forest Service ranger has a "SLOW" sign. Hmm. We turn the hair pin corner to find a US Forest Service Truck has stopped. We come to a dead stop. Sorry can't go any farther. There are three containers leaking a bad fume. Hazardous Materials Team has been called.
John and I find a bit of shade and hang out. We hang out for 30 to 40 minutes. The time dragged out. Called Bill and Matt. Matt had the info of seeing a black Dodge/RAM Truck around noon at the scene. The individual was putting a blanket over the containers. If you have any information send me a note.
Brandon the US Forest Service Ranger brought us ice cold drinks. Many thanks. Tried to negotiate personal mountain rescue vehicles to come and whisk us back taking the long route up Highway 39, East Fork, North GMR (or little GMR) and down, the daunting hour plus journey just to arrive didn't bode well. When the sheriffs took over the road closure, John and I agreed to take the trail option down to the next hair pin turn. A cyclecross adventure indeed. We then scooted down the mountain. Did get a whiff of the gas and yes it was nasty smelling.
Still this seems eerily familiar to the last Saturday of July 2010 when the road closed due to fire.
Good to be home. This feels vaguely similar to the last Saturday of July in 2010 when a fire was started from an overturned vehicle. So good to be home. Clean. Cool and ready for food.

Glendora Mountain Road Closed
Glendora Mountain Road closed due to biohazard. Hazmat Team to clear three white plastic tubs leaking a bad smelling gas. Road closure started at 1 pm. Last checked at 3:30 pm.
As I wait
As i wait for the county team to clean up the containers. I realize how low on water I am. Squirrels are looking tastey to me.
Hazmat team has been called
Hazmzt team has been called to clean up three containers leaking gas. A black dodge truck was seen about noon dumping the containers near mile marker 11.97.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Mosey Mode
A very relaxed pace tonight. I think someone replaced my legs with lead. Did have a good time just pedaling. After missing on Monday night I had to remember a bit harder what you do with legs going around.
Spotted prickly seed pods waiting to puncture your tires.
Otherwise there was just a handful of cars, motorcycles and other bikers.
And if you received an email from me tonight. Delete it. It is spam. Gosh, all I did was read an email with "Notification Failure". That's it. Nothing more. Oh well, it will force me to say hi to all of you.
Spotted prickly seed pods waiting to puncture your tires.
Otherwise there was just a handful of cars, motorcycles and other bikers.
And if you received an email from me tonight. Delete it. It is spam. Gosh, all I did was read an email with "Notification Failure". That's it. Nothing more. Oh well, it will force me to say hi to all of you.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Above it All
Group Beanz is growing stronger every day. This is their fourth Saturday in a row on the mountain. Excellent form as always. Added a member or two.

The yuccas are blooming late this year. Usually see them in May and June. Here it is July nearly August!

The talk is about Greg who has returned to the mountain after his brush with melanoma. Good reminder to put on the sunscreen.
Ron is prime to start his post surgery recovery. We are both in Tour de France withdrawal syndrome. What to do with all that free time now that Cadel Evans -- the first Australian ever (since 1903) has won the Tour?
Rick, Matt and I rode to the Sunset Trail turnout near Fork plus 8. Rick continued on to village while instructing a younger rider on routing choices.

Baldy was clear while the inversion layer held a thick marine layer over the valley below. Above it all:

The yuccas are blooming late this year. Usually see them in May and June. Here it is July nearly August!

The talk is about Greg who has returned to the mountain after his brush with melanoma. Good reminder to put on the sunscreen.
Ron is prime to start his post surgery recovery. We are both in Tour de France withdrawal syndrome. What to do with all that free time now that Cadel Evans -- the first Australian ever (since 1903) has won the Tour?
Rick, Matt and I rode to the Sunset Trail turnout near Fork plus 8. Rick continued on to village while instructing a younger rider on routing choices.

Baldy was clear while the inversion layer held a thick marine layer over the valley below. Above it all:

Monday, July 18, 2011
Burn off Work
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Saturday is now a blur
Saturday July 16, 2011. I wanted to get out on the road early to beat the heat and the UV index. Bill checked the air in my tires and broke the valve on the tube of my front wheel. He replaced the tube and I was on my way by 7:15 am. The air was a bit nippy however the sun promised warmth and was streaming through the clouds and sky earlier than Friday.
I wanted to warm up the muscles easy before pushing the hill. Sierra Madre was taken moderately. Cyclists were out and about. Two guys, one in a blue kit and one in a yellow kit played tag for half an hour. Sonny in blue and John in yello pushed past me fast before Palm Drive. However, I breezed past them on the slope by the Dalton Hot Shots Ranger Station as Sunny lost his chain. I just wanted to get the bad part done. I slowed and they passed me by the electronic sign. I caught up with them on the first incline by the first hair pin curve. I call this "the ramp". Its a nice straight uphill section. All this to say we were evenly matched and ended up riding together until the clock struck 8:25 am.
I passed Group Beanz, Mr. Beanz, Gina Beanz, Herb and Alyce Beanz and Will Beanz on the way to the first saddle. We talked at the shed about Laurette Fretta and his interview with Ray Clone. I tarryed while Group Beanz pushed on.
It was a pretty day but the domestique had had too many beers. We turned around at the point of no return (Fork plus 4). A red jeep pulled up and Ray Clone stopped to talk to us. Disney Downtown was fun. Lots of family. He had a tale of how his Mini-Doberman Pincher barked down a 300 pound bear. A handful of dog can make alot of ruckus. Ray counted nearly 40 cyclists riding Glendora Ridge Road on Saturday morning.
Talked with John at the shed. Then met Bill at mile marker seven. He had stopped to coach two women on how to change a flat tire. Two in one day, Bill! It may be flat tire season. Bill told the story of his ride up Glendora Mountain Road. He was not aware of the furry shadow following him around mile marker 11 until another cyclist who zoomed by alerted him of his tail.
John and Sonny. Will try to get out the same time to ride with you.

Will also drives his car on Glendora Mountain Road at 2:00 am. How are you even awake?

Mr. Beanz and Gina in the lead!

Mr. Beanz parking Gina's bike. Let's put the good carbon Trek bike on top of the sturdy LeMonde Bike.

Gina looking refreshed enough to ride another 18 miles.

Will and Herb.

Alyce are we there yet?

The marine layer thick over the valley.

How far is Baldy?
I wanted to warm up the muscles easy before pushing the hill. Sierra Madre was taken moderately. Cyclists were out and about. Two guys, one in a blue kit and one in a yellow kit played tag for half an hour. Sonny in blue and John in yello pushed past me fast before Palm Drive. However, I breezed past them on the slope by the Dalton Hot Shots Ranger Station as Sunny lost his chain. I just wanted to get the bad part done. I slowed and they passed me by the electronic sign. I caught up with them on the first incline by the first hair pin curve. I call this "the ramp". Its a nice straight uphill section. All this to say we were evenly matched and ended up riding together until the clock struck 8:25 am.
I passed Group Beanz, Mr. Beanz, Gina Beanz, Herb and Alyce Beanz and Will Beanz on the way to the first saddle. We talked at the shed about Laurette Fretta and his interview with Ray Clone. I tarryed while Group Beanz pushed on.
It was a pretty day but the domestique had had too many beers. We turned around at the point of no return (Fork plus 4). A red jeep pulled up and Ray Clone stopped to talk to us. Disney Downtown was fun. Lots of family. He had a tale of how his Mini-Doberman Pincher barked down a 300 pound bear. A handful of dog can make alot of ruckus. Ray counted nearly 40 cyclists riding Glendora Ridge Road on Saturday morning.
Talked with John at the shed. Then met Bill at mile marker seven. He had stopped to coach two women on how to change a flat tire. Two in one day, Bill! It may be flat tire season. Bill told the story of his ride up Glendora Mountain Road. He was not aware of the furry shadow following him around mile marker 11 until another cyclist who zoomed by alerted him of his tail.
John and Sonny. Will try to get out the same time to ride with you.

Will also drives his car on Glendora Mountain Road at 2:00 am. How are you even awake?

Mr. Beanz and Gina in the lead!

Mr. Beanz parking Gina's bike. Let's put the good carbon Trek bike on top of the sturdy LeMonde Bike.

Gina looking refreshed enough to ride another 18 miles.

Will and Herb.

Alyce are we there yet?

The marine layer thick over the valley.

How far is Baldy?

Friday, July 15, 2011
For Ron
Saturday, Sun and Sierra Madre
Weather forecasts for Saturday indicate Ultra-Violet (UV) rays to be high in the Los Angeles area. Slather on the sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher if you are going out and bring more if you ride longer than two hours. The bugs are going to feast on me this weekend. My bugspray-sunscreen does well to detract bugs, but is less effective than my sunscreen. My sunscreen is a titanium mix and the bugs find it tastey. Bring water if you plan to ride GMR. The last watering hole is at the horse corrals at Boulder Springs. The gazebo has a drinking fountain.
Also note that Sierra Madre is under construction. Two right lanes on the north side of the street are closed between Grand Avenue and Barranca/Ben Lomond. The construction is planned to complete August 29th. I drive Sierra Madre early in the morning, so I haven't seen what they are doing other than blocking lanes with those orange pylons that bite cyclists.
The Montrose riders will need to right smart on Saturday as Monrovia Police plan to monitor the ride. I myself, appreciate all the drivers who see me and grant me the right away when I approach stop signs.
Ride safe.
Also note that Sierra Madre is under construction. Two right lanes on the north side of the street are closed between Grand Avenue and Barranca/Ben Lomond. The construction is planned to complete August 29th. I drive Sierra Madre early in the morning, so I haven't seen what they are doing other than blocking lanes with those orange pylons that bite cyclists.
The Montrose riders will need to right smart on Saturday as Monrovia Police plan to monitor the ride. I myself, appreciate all the drivers who see me and grant me the right away when I approach stop signs.
Ride safe.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Allez! Allez!
Had a great ride tonight. It was warm yet cool at 85F. I chased a couple of riders up to mile marker 11.39. Nice to be fasssssst.
Monday, July 11, 2011
MIA no more
Missing in Action made it to the shed tonight in a new Glendora Ridge Rider Jersey. A very rare Monday event. Staying upright in the heat is always good form.
Matt models the Ridge Riders Jersey. Front view.

Rear view.

Glendora Ridge Riders
Ray Clone Ridge Rider
Wayne there are only a few left! Contact Ray Clone
Met Bob who had a tale of an arthritic knee. If I could only keep up!

He rode a distinct steel bike Dario Pegoretti.
Matt models the Ridge Riders Jersey. Front view.

Rear view.

Glendora Ridge Riders
Wayne there are only a few left! Contact Ray Clone
Met Bob who had a tale of an arthritic knee. If I could only keep up!

He rode a distinct steel bike Dario Pegoretti.

Sunday, July 10, 2011
Trail Blazer

Met a legendary trail blazer today who has combed our hills for more than 60 years. Gordon Rowley will loan you his tools to help clear brush from the network of foot paths lacing the hills. The rich history of Gordon was intertwined with larger than life Glendora characters of Michael and Kaia Maris Rubel, Norma and Ida. Gordon reported seeing the family of bears, momma and two cubs - now a year older.
After scanning the hillside for signs of deer, I turned around and saw a deer eating in the cool shade.

Also saw a salamander, the first one since the flooding of the creek in May.

All in all a good hike for a Sunday morning.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Road Open
Glendora Mountain Road is once again open for multi-use traffic. The motor vehicles are back and eyes should be wide open.
The early morning meeting for work from 1 - 2:30 am tore into my performance. Staying upright and moving forward was my goal. Rode with Matt awhile and happened upon the legendary figure of Mr. Beanz, Gina, Alyce and Herb. Welcome to the road Alyce and Herb. Mighty fine riding for the first time. Matt pushed on to Baldy. I stayed and enjoyed the heroic tales of Mr. Beanz and his literary talents. His videos are entertaining, folksy and artistic. Beanz has a talent of just chatting with people and making them feel at ease while capturing their essence in the digital world. The Mr. Beanz Bicycle School of Photography is having a summer session so sign up now.
I rode to fork plus four before the heat told me to stop. On the way up I smirked as a troop of riders were fixing a flat. I knew that would swing back my way. As I was thinking of Ron's mishap by the electronic sign my back tire blew out. I picked up a shard of glass. Had the mountain rescue vehicle pick me up. Incycle replaced the tube patched the tire and put on new tape on the handle bars. Nice to have a dollar or two to spend on the bike.

The early morning meeting for work from 1 - 2:30 am tore into my performance. Staying upright and moving forward was my goal. Rode with Matt awhile and happened upon the legendary figure of Mr. Beanz, Gina, Alyce and Herb. Welcome to the road Alyce and Herb. Mighty fine riding for the first time. Matt pushed on to Baldy. I stayed and enjoyed the heroic tales of Mr. Beanz and his literary talents. His videos are entertaining, folksy and artistic. Beanz has a talent of just chatting with people and making them feel at ease while capturing their essence in the digital world. The Mr. Beanz Bicycle School of Photography is having a summer session so sign up now.
I rode to fork plus four before the heat told me to stop. On the way up I smirked as a troop of riders were fixing a flat. I knew that would swing back my way. As I was thinking of Ron's mishap by the electronic sign my back tire blew out. I picked up a shard of glass. Had the mountain rescue vehicle pick me up. Incycle replaced the tube patched the tire and put on new tape on the handle bars. Nice to have a dollar or two to spend on the bike.

Friday, July 1, 2011
Glendora Mountain Road Closed for July 4 Weekend
Heaven is here . Glendora Mountain Road is closed . Friday July 1 at 12 noon. The forest ranger told us to enjoy the ride down. John and I did.
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