Saturday, March 14, 2009

Cloudy Saturday

The cool moist grey clouds blown in on a breeze kept the traffic light today. A dozen motorcycles, same amount of cars and cyclists. With the San Dimas Stage Race starting on Friday March 20, the surprise was fewer folks on the route than last year.

There are certain moments that inspire, and to see a particular individual fly by at twice your pace with grace and ease, dancing on their pedals, hammering up the road, soaring. Emblazened upon my brain their fluid shape and strong rhythmic movement will fuel the next few weeks of training.

Ascending several thousand feet nonstop, clear skies allowed the view from Glendora Mountain Road and the Monroe Truck trail to be its radiant awe inspiring self. Click for a larger view.

The descent was cold. I used ski cap, gloves, thicker jacket and arm warmers. Riding down into the grey mist the visibility was adequate for riding but not for photos.

SDSR time: 33:40. Monroe truck trail 1:16:15.