I was out on the road today and bumped into a large crew shooting a car commercial today towards the top. I wanted to send you a photo for your blog, but unfortunately this is the only shot I got. I didn't want to loiter too long because I was obviously holding them up.
Risi there is an art to pedaling slowly and shooting a camera mid stroke. Did you catch the make, model or manufacturer? This looks like the second saddle. I hope to ride again on Wednesday if the weather holds up.
Matt encountered this overturned vehicle Saturday while he was testing his new Cannondale Super-Six High Mod bike. Matt reports the driver sustained moderate injuries. This is at the first hair pin turn at the bottom of the Monroe Truck Trail.

Keep your vehicle upright and take the turns cautiously.
Glad the driver is safe and nobody was injured!
Looks like it was an S2000... not fun being upside down on GMR.
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