With the cooler air, my muscles definitely wanted their warm up time. I intentionally held back getting all of the body on board before charging out and was rewarded with energy later in the ride. I concentrated on working on the lifting of the legs during the pedal stroke to give the ham strings a work out. There seems to be more energy there and the training tips from Shane are providing more power.
Matt caught Heather and I before Newman's. It's odd how you can travel the road without seeing a soul, then on a blind curve, six people all converge in the same space and time. A white porsche, two motorbikes and three cyclists.
At the shed, people arrived and everyone had a story to tell. Mark and Shirin opening up CyclinSanity in LaVerne in November. Rick and Greg in a comeback ride to Baldy Village. Shane on his way down "north" GMR to East Fork better known as a Yo-Yo ride. Matt, Heather and Bill. Lots of connections.

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